Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Total Commander (Windows Mobile)


A more efficient and free file browser for your Windows Mobile device. Just like it�s PC variant, it supports 2 (virtual) file panels. This application will allow you to copy, delete, move, edit, view and upload your files via FTP, Infrared or bluetooth. It will also allow you to edit the registry.

Download 'Total Commander for Windows Mobile'

READ MORE - Total Commander (Windows Mobile)

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009



ExtractNow is a simple utility that allows you to extract multiple archives quickly and easily. ExtractNow is not a complete archival solution. It's main purpose it to allow the user to extract multiple archives easily.
Why wear out your clicking finger extracting files one by one when you can extract at once? ExtractNow does a fine job of bundling compressed files and extracting their contents in one fell swoop. ExtractNow has a clean, well-designed and easy-to-use interface. To extract files, simply drag and drop them into the main program window, or right-click the files while in Windows Explorer. ExtractNow supports the two most popular compression formats, ZIP and RAR, as well as a handful of other formats. Simple but not simplistic, this is a powerful and reliable program that will be of use to anyone who manages many compressed files.

Download 'ExtractNow'

READ MORE - ExtractNow

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

PTFB (Push That Freakin� Button)


Do you often get popup messages where the only answer you can give is �OK� or you always click on the same answer? Computers are very good at automating things and making your life easier, so why not make use of this feature? For almost any computer annoyance you have, someone probably created a tool to solve it. All you have to do is look for it. That is how I found PTFB. Just drag the hand cursor to the button you want to click in the popup and click on �Start Watching�. From now on, you never have to click on that button again.

Download 'PTFB Free'

Download 'PTFB Pro'

READ MORE - PTFB (Push That Freakin� Button)