Senin, 13 September 2010



MyDefrag is an advanced free disk defragmentation utility that also comes with a defragmentation screensaver and scheduled defragmentation jobs. Keeping your files defragmented is important because it can speed up your system.

If you are unfamiliar with defragmentation, here is a quick explanation. Files take up disk space. The bigger the file size, the more disk space is needed. Files are written as chains or blocks of data. Ideally, the blocks of data are to follow up right next to each other on the disk in a continuous sequence. The harddisk head only has to move to the start of the file and keep reading until the end of the file is reached. However in a fragmented state, the file is divided in pieces on the disk, so the harddisk head has to move to the start of the file, then move to the next piece somewhere else on the disk, then move to again somewhere else, etc�That is why some harddisks make crunching sounds when reading files. Defragmenting puts all those pieces of file together into one long block, thus the harddisk head does not have to �travel� a lot to read the entire file and thus save time and thus read the complete file faster.

READ MORE - MyDefrag