Rabu, 19 Januari 2011



SlimComputer is a free tool to trim down clutter in your new (or used) computer. It can advice you on what redundant applications, toolbars, startup items and shortcuts to remove. Removing these applications and files can result in your computer starting up and responding faster. The advice is based on a cloud community.

READ MORE - SlimComputer

Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Riot (Radical Image Optimizing Tool)


Riot is a free image compression tool. Having full control over the compression of your image can be very handy if you need to use images in banners, or for making websites. Some useful features include image comparison (like Photoshop�s save for web), target file size, batch processing and basic image adjustments. There are tons more features that you can read about on the website.

READ MORE - Riot (Radical Image Optimizing Tool)

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011



SimpleOCR is a semi-free OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software that helps you to convert scanned text into digital text. The program comes with a few built in languages and has the ability to learn. It can also learn to recognize handwritten text and that feature can be tested until the trial period expires. You can still use the program to scan machine-written text after the trial period without limitations.


Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Tip: Extra Shortcuts Toolbar / Sidebar



If you are one of the �lucky� owners of Windows Vista, you can easily create an extra toolbar / sidebar (since you can dock it on the side of your screen) with shortcuts. Here is how:

  1. Op your �My Documents� folder and create a folder in there. Give it a descriptive name like �Sidebar shortcuts�.
  2. While holding the ALT button, drag and drop a file or shortcut into your newly created folder. ALT will create a shortcut to your file rather than move the shortcut / file to your new folder. If you drag and drop a file or shortcut from your startmenu into your new folder without holding ALT, the shortcut will be moved to the new folder and will disappear from your start menu.
  3. When you are done filling your new folder with shortcuts, go back one folder into the �My Documents� folder. Now drag your new folder to the side of your screen and release.
  4. If you want your shortcuts panel to auto hide, right-click in an empty area in the panel and click on �Always on top� and �Auto hide�. You might also want to disable the text by right-clicking on an empty area in the panel and clicking on �Show text� and �Show title�.
  5. You should now have a side panel that will auto hide when you position your mouse to the side of your monitor.
READ MORE - Tip: Extra Shortcuts Toolbar / Sidebar