Selasa, 07 April 2009


One feature that any version of Windows is missing is the desktop zoom function. I guess because OSX has this feature standard in it's OS, Windows did not include it as it could be seen as 'stealing OSX's idea'. All this nonsense about 'who stole ideas from who' only results Windows and MAC in an inability to grow in functionality and user friendlyness. Take for example the ALT+TAB functionality in Windows to switch from window to window. Sure the Vista 3D ALT+TAB idea looks cool, but it is not as practical as the OSX version of window switching. Windows cannot use that idea since OSX allready uses it. And so there are also things that Windows does better than MAC, but MAC cannot use that because Windows allready did.

I think when they both stop being so childish about 'you stole my idea!', we will finally have big improvements in MAC and Windows.

Download 'ZoomIt'

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