Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Firefox 4


Firefox 4 is finally out and I am using it myself. I have tried other browsers and even though some browsers were faster than Firefox I still preferred Firefox over them, mainly because of it�s large collection of add-ons. I love customizing and tweaking things to fit my needs. I have found that other browsers have a very modest (compared to Firefox) add-ons collection and miss some vital add-ons that I use to make my browsing experience a lot better.

I am amazed how many people do not know that the computer can do a lot more than just browse the web, read mail and play multimedia content. For example, instead of renaming or cropping hundreds of files one by one manually, one could simply find and download a tool that can do all that for you and save you hours of tedious work. I usually get the response �oh? I did not know that existed��well, did you look? That is why I love using Windows because of it�s diversity of software and Firefox because of it�s diversity of add-ons.

One of my favorite new features of Firefox 4 is the �Pin as App-Tab�. This allows you to put certain websites permanently open in tabs and start with Firefox. The pinned tabs only contain the website icon to save space. This feature is useful when you always have certain websites open like online music, facebook or email.

If you miss the files menu, you can find it by pressing an alt key.

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