Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Windows Sidebar: Top Process Monitor


Want to know what is slowing down your system? With this Top Process Monitor sidebar gadget for Windows Vista / 7, you can instantly see the top 5 processes that take up most of your CPU power. You can also cycle to see the top 5 memory consumers and harddisk throughput.

Why do you want to know this? To effectively work with any computer or life-form, you need to have an interaction or a dialog, not a monolog. If you keep instructing the computer but ignore what the computer has to say to you, then you will get into frustrations when the computer does not perform to your expectations because you do not understand why it does that.

Top Process Monitor, as well as many other sidebar gadgets can help you to establish this dialog with your computer. You tell the computer what to do and the computer can tell you what it is currently doing by showing you what processes are running, what it taking up most of it�s CPU, bandwith, memory, etc� So if you tell it to perform a certain task (for example to start a program) and it does not show a window in 5 seconds, then you can take a look at the top 5 processes to see if that process is there and if the hard disk is currently busy (by looking at your hard disk light on the computer itself or a hard disk monitoring gadget in your sidebar). If all these are true, then you just need to be patient as the computer did receive your instruction and is processing it.

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